Welcome to the frutaPURA blog. We are inaugurating this space to tell you about our news, projects and everything related to our brand. With this post we want you to get to know this healthy snack and our values.
Who we are?
Fruta PURA is an Andalusian company that has collaboration agreements with the University of Huelva and the University of Cordoba, the IMIBIC Research Centre in Cordoba and different functional food companies.
Our factory is located in Huelva and we offer a local product. Our snack is manufactured with selected fruit to obtain a complete product that preserves all the qualities of the fruit.
FrutaPURA: Fun, tasty and healthy
After years of research with a multidisciplinary team in R&D we have developed Fruta PURA with the intention of offering a healthy, tasty and practical snack for the whole family.
Who said snacking between meals couldn't be healthy? Fruta PURA is made up of 96% FRUIT. It contains no colourings, preservatives or added sugars and is the easiest and most fun way to eat fruit every day. The snack for the whole family that goes everywhere with you.
And if you still have any questions, we'll answer them!
what is the recommended dose of frutaPURA?
frutaPURA is another way of eating FRUIT so there is no maximum recommended dose. You can eat as many cubes as you want and when you want. Always in moderation, whenever you feel like it!
How are the properties of fruit preserved?
Fruta Pura has no preservatives, nor does it need them for its preservation, as the manufacturing process is carried out at temperatures between 80º and 105ºC, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria, guarantees its durability and ensures that all its properties are maintained.
What are the advantages of frutaPURA?
FrutaPURA allows you to get all the advantages and vitamins of natural fruit but in a faster and more convenient way. You don't have to peel it, it doesn't weigh, it doesn't stain and you can take it everywhere. It hardly takes up any space and it is an ideal healthy snack for all your plans.
Is it suitable for the whole family?
frutaPURA cubes are the perfect snack for the whole family. It can be eaten by children from 3 years of age and is also suitable for pregnant women. A healthy and tasty snack to enjoy with the whole family.
Now that you know us a little better you can see our variety of products.
Hace unas semanas nos hicísteis llegar a casa unas muestras para probarlas y nos encantaron. Como se nos han terminado, hemos hecho una compra para reponer. A mi marido y a mis hijas les gusta tomarse un par de dados después de comer y picotean también entre horas. Es un producto novedoso y nos ha sorprendido gratamente. Nos gusta su alto contenido en fruta, que no llevan azúcar, ni conservantes, ni colorantes y que se elabora en Andalucía. Además se pueden utilizar con yogures, helados e incorporar a muchas recetas. ¡Enhorabuena por vuestro producto!